她 她 下午玩拼图游戏,拼好后感觉还不错,干脆用来做帖了^^ 蔡淳佳的《风铃》之前是没听过的,这两天听了Punch的Ying Gwar Sia Jai,在网上看资料发现原来蔡淳佳有翻唱。这首歌送给种子了,详细介绍可到欧单种子的泰语歌曲帖子里看。 今天才知道萧潇改名萧萧了..《爱要坦荡荡》是她还是萧潇时的作品,大家应该很熟了,很喜欢它的原唱,歌名อยากร้องดังดัง的意思是想要大声唱,歌词写得很好,记得刚推出时在泰国蝉联了好多周冠军。 说了那么久,忘了介绍,图片右上是Punch,右下是Palmy,泰国的小天后;左边的美女就不用介绍了吧~~
Palmy lives her life for arts. She loves to study art at school. She likes to visit museums, galleries, and art exhibitions. Above all, Palmy loves singing, and decided to grasp herself a chance by presenting her demo tape of the songs she composed to Grammy. Right on that day, Palmy was accepted to be one of the RPG family. She commenced her first work by writing English version for the song “Jai Hai Pai Leui (I Lose My Heart)”, followed by singing chorus in the song “Roo Tua Wha Mai Dee Por (I’m Not Good Enough)” of Tui. Her dream finally came true in December 2001, when her very first album “Palmy” was successfully launched. Her number one hit “Yark Rong Dung Dung (I Want To Shout Out Loud)” has jumped up to the top of every list, making everybody wants to sing it out loud. The songs in her album have Pop Rock tone, and clearly reflect Palmy’s independent vision as well as her adoration in music.
Palmy - 想要大声唱
世界变的真清晰 让我唱到天上都能听见
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