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标题: Mysteries of Egypt/埃及秘辛 (2000)【國家地理頻道】 [打印本页]

作者: babypink    时间: 2023-6-4 22:30     标题: Mysteries of Egypt/埃及秘辛 (2000)【國家地理頻道】


Sam Cardon – Mysteries Of Egypt
Released: 1998/ 2000
Label: National Geographic Films

Egypt is and ever was a place of mystery. Many rumors spread around the great Pyramids of Gizeh. Here, an old Egyptian is asked by his granddaughter about those mysteries of which we all heard in one way or the other.

埃及秘辛:傳奇名演員Omar Sharif (奧瑪雪瑞夫) 於片中飾演一位通曉古埃及文明的祖父,他以迷人的述說故事方式,引領孫女探索文明傑作-----金字塔、神廟、圖坦王陵及其陪葬的珍寶…本片由國家地理卓越的攝影師群,透過令人屏息的IMAX拍攝手法,讓您親體在八層樓高電影螢幕上放映影片的精細與完美!片尾並附上30分鐘的特別節目,真實記錄『埃及秘辛』的製作過程,深入了解現代電影工作者最艱難的挑戰!


01. The Nile – Source of Life
02. Prologue
03. Howard Carter’s Obsession
04. King Tutankhamun’s Burial
05. Waterboy’s Discovery
06. Valley of the Kings
07. Floodplain of the Nile
08. Building the Great Pyramid of Khu
09. Splendors Reclaimed By the Desert
10. Mysteries of Egypt Theme
11. The Tombs
12. Family Life
13. Things, Wonderful Things
14. Cafe In Cairo
15. Eternal Sands
16. Epilogue
17. Closing Credits

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