D4DJ: Lyrical Lily – Lyrical Anthology
Released: 2022.06.29
Website: https://d4dj-pj.com/discography/post-40
Listen: https://d4dj.fandom.com/wiki/Lyrical_Anthology
Lyrical Anthology is Lyrical Lily's first full-length studio album, which will be released on June 29, 2022.
The album will be released in two versions containing different tracklists, front cover artworks and bonus benefits.
01. プティプランス
02. 汚れっちまった悲しみの色
03. 月に萌える
04. ライム畑でつかまえて
05. Journey to the West
06. Happy Prince
07. 夢十Yah!
08. 冒険王!
09. 人間合格!!!!
10. 吾輩よ猫であれ
11. 銀河鉄道の夜に (Lyrical Anthology Remix)
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mp3/ 320kb/ 121mb
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