Arcade Fire & Owen Pallett - Her
(Original Score)
Released: 2021.03.19
Movie Review:
中國大陸 她
香港 觸不到的她
臺灣 雲端情人
導演:史派克瓊斯 (Spike Jonze)
演員:艾美亞當斯 (Amy Adams) 、 瓦昆菲尼克斯 (Joaquin Phoenix)
★ 奧斯卡:最佳影片、原著劇本、藝術指導、電影配樂、原創歌曲等5項大獎提名!
★ 金球獎:最佳音樂或喜劇類影片、最佳劇本、最佳男主角,三項大獎提名!
★ 金球獎:最佳劇本!!
Her (Original Score) is the film score composed by Arcade Fire and Owen Pallett for the 2013 film Her, directed by Spike Jonze and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. The score was not officially released to the public until March 2021. It was nominated for Best Original Score at the 86th Academy Awards.
01. Sleepwalker (03:14)
02. Milk & Honey #1 (01:27)
03. Loneliness #3 (Night Talking) (03:25)
04. Divorce Papers (03:14)
05. Morning Talk / Supersymmetry (04:13)
06. Some Other Place (03:38)
07. Song on the Beach (03:35)
08. Loneliness #4 (Other People's Letters) (00:59)
09. Owl (02:20)
10. Photograph (02:25)
11. Milk & Honey #2 (03:19)
12. We're All Leaving (02:31)
13. Dimensions (05:39)
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