介紹 RADWIMPS to release new album with 10 tracks total, including two new ones. "Kakurenbo" is the main theme song for TV drama "Anata no Soba de Ashita ga Warau." All profits from this album will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society, local governments, and other organizations to be used for relief efforts for natural disasters and other disasters that occur throughout Japan. (The amount of sales until December 31, 2021 will be eligible for donation). --quoted from cdjapan
2+0+2+1+3+1+1= 10 Years 10 Songs
RADWIMPS在2011年東日本大地震後展開「糸色 -Itoshiki-」募款企劃,之後幾乎每年都會推出新歌紀念311。在今年日東日本大地震10週年之時推出的《2+0+2+1+3+1+1= 10 years 10 songs》集合至今發表的八首歌曲,以及兩首新歌,包括綾瀨遙和池松壯亮合演的NHK東日本大地震10週年特別劇《明天會在你身邊笑著》主題曲「Kakurenbo」。本作的全部收益將捐贈給日本紅十字會等機構,用作支援日本自然災害救助活動。
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